Sunday, January 12, 2014

Candy Free Easter


Does anyone else out there do candy free Easter baskets? At our house, Easter is a simple celebration of Spring. But planning a plastic free, sugar free Easter can be tricky. With the stores brimming with sugar laden treats full of artificial flavors and preservatives, and shelf after shelf of cheap plastic garbage, it can certainly seem like the only choice.


Thankfully, it isn't. Not by a long shot.

We use wool felt eggs for our Easter egg hunt. They are so easy to make and feel far nicer than plastic ones. These ones in fact were largely kid made. We fill ours with blueberries, pomegranate seeds and raspberries, so I don't mind when the first thing he eats on Easter morning is the contents of his eggs.

As for our Easter baskets themselves, we line them with a few mini silks in vibrant colors and stuff them with a few of the items on the list below:

-Watercolor paints
-fruit teas
-A small doll
-Small wooden toys
-A skipping rope
-A small jar of homemade play dough
-A hand kite
-Homemade Marshmallows
-Felt food
-A simple knit hat (early Spring is still cool here in Atlantic Canada!)
-A beeswax candle

What's in your Easter Basket?

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