Thursday, January 2, 2014


We love toys. Obviously, since we make them. But really, one of the first draws to Waldorf for us was the play things. I can't remember who it was who first said that the best education for a child is that they should be allowed to play among beautiful things, but it is a quote I think of often as I look around our play area. Waldorf toys are simple, made of simple materials and allow for endless imagination and fun. Virtually every toy can be used in a variety of ways, and watching my children discover all the things they can do with each thing is a delight. In the weeks to come, I would like to share some tutorials on making toys at home with your children. And, perhaps if you don't have time to make all your own toys, you would consider trying some of the ones in our shop. Right now, you can save 15% off your purchase of $15 or more with coupon code WELCOMEGINGERFOREST.


  1. It was Plato who said children should play amongst beautiful things.

    1. Hi Stacey, you're absolutely right. I always want to say Aristotle, which I know is incorrect. Thanks for the reminder!
